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March 2021 | Cabase

CABASE IXP National Network Atlas

CABASE IXPs National Network Atlas Showing fiber and radiolink deployment throughout the country. This is a strategic tool that facilitates the road to Broadband Federalization, improves quality of service, fosters competition, and reduces the Internal Digital Divide,...

CABASE Internet Index

En el marco de la presentación de la edición del primer semestre del CABASE Internet Index, un reporte que recopila indicadores y datos que dan cuenta del estado de Internet en el país, la Cámara Argentina de Internet-CABASE-, informó que la fibra óptica superó...

National Technicians Meeting

National Technicians Meeting It convenes the key Internet players in our country to discuss issues related to Security, Internet of Things (IoT), IPv6, VOIP, Cyber Crime, OSPF, MPLS and VPLS for Mikrotik, among others. This event includes the participation of guest...

IoT Day

IoT Day The IoT Coordination Center and Marketplace of the Argentine Internet Chamber – CABASE – hosts the ‘IoT Day’, joining similar worldwide IoT Day celebrations held on that date. This event generates a hub which enables interaction between experts and key players...

Internet Day

Internet Day On the “International Internet Day”, the Argentine Internet Chamber – CABASE – organizes the “Internet Day”, a major event that brings together the entire Internet Industry. The “Internet Day” is an opportunity for industry updates in order to promote the...